Java XML APIs are lacking!

I can’t believe I’m having so much trouble working with XML in Java. Has anyone ever really tried to practice TDD on XSLT before? If so, could you please explain it to me? You know when you can clearly tell you’re walking untread terrain. You start asking questions that nobody has ever had a clear answer. Questions like, “where the hell is a valid XSLT Schema?” …and “how do I get the results from a single template in my stylesheet?” Now I’m finding what appears to be serious flaws in the JDK. Can somebody explain to me why the SAXException class completely ignores message text passed in the constructor when you include a throwable cause as the second parameter? Am I seeing things or is that intended behaviour? The developers clearly thought their exception message was way more important than any contextual information here. Also, XMLUnit is missing some vital information in there error messages. That’s what lead to my uncovering the ugly SAXException thing in the first place. When I create a Diff object from to input XML docs and one of them fails I’d like to see the text of the document that caused the failure. I realize that this may not always be ideal so maybe an optional parameter controlling the behaviour is necessary? At any rate it caused me to spill into my XML-unit-test-wrapper-special-doo-hickey-uber-wave-nuvo-insert-superfulous-adjective-here-thingy some ugly logic to handle all the stoopidity I was facing. I hate spilling ugly logic in my code, especially in new code I’m trying to keep clean.

Well, what were you doing?

What I was trying to do was run an XSL transform and assert the result. Performing the transform is complicated even with the help of the XMLUnit API because there are many features in the transform that I want to test in isolation. After my transform the results are harvested in a String which I then pass to XMLUnit to do a diff. In my particular case the output was what I expected but I would not know that for another thirty minutes as I danced along the XMLUnit stacktrace trying to find out why my test failed. Apparently the fragment I was performing a diff on was not well formed, causing a SAXParseException to be thrown. Also the fragment I was diff’ing against was not well formed. It took thirty minutes for the message “not well formed” to sink in my skull bone and materialize as, “Hey stoopid! You’re s’posed to have a single root element in an XMLDocument!” Maybe if the XMLUnit team made that the error message it would save plenty of developers a lot of headaches. At any rate I dove into my XMLUnitExtension framework (because I’m starting to build extensions for all of the APIs I use) and smattered some logic to better handle diffs on XML fragments.

Remember this?

    public void assertXMLEqualWithDetailedDiff(String message, String expectedXML, String actual)
            throws SAXException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException
        Diff diff = new Diff(expectedXML, actual);
        if(! diff.identical())
            String msg = (EMPTY_STRING.equals(message)) ? EMPTY_STRING :message + "\n";
            assertEquals(msg + new DetailedDiff(diff).toString(), 
                    expectedXML, actual);

(It’s a cool piece of code that lets me click the Idea diff hyperlink when XMLUnit coughs up an issue comparing two XML inputs. One of my prouder moments.)

It now looks like this:

    public void assertXMLEqualWithDetailedDiff(String message, String expectedXML, String actual)
            throws SAXException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException
        DOMSource expectedDOM = toDOMSource(expectedXML), actualDOM = toDOMSource(actual);
        Diff diff = new Diff(expectedDOM, actualDOM);
        if(! diff.identical())
            String msg = (EMPTY_STRING.equals(message)) ? EMPTY_STRING :message + "\n";
            assertEquals(msg + new DetailedDiff(diff).toString(),
                    expectedXML, actual);

(Still not too bad looking on the surface, right?)

I initially wanted to build out the framework to support not well formed XML but decided it was not the right time for that. Instead I settled for dumping the contents of the XML in error into the message. That way, at least I could see which XML was in error, the one supplied by the unit test or the one generated from the transform. What does that mean? It means I have to parse both XML inputs to the diff before I diff them. By the way, the diff does a parse on its own so the idea is yuk! I looked briefly for a assertXMLWellFormed equivalent and found many XML validation methods. The problem here is the thin line between well formed and valid. I don’t want to determine if it’s valid, (I can’t in that particular area anyway) I just want to make sure its well formed. So in through the front door walks the ugly XML parsing logic. “Hey, wassup?”, he says. “I hope you don’t mind but I brought friends.” Before I could slam the door shut hideous Exception handling comes barging through behind him. Mr. Exception handling brings bags for an overnight stay.

The above cute snippet is augmented by this:

    private DOMSource toDOMSource(String xml) throws ParserConfigurationException, IOException, SAXException
        Document doc;
            doc = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder()
                            .parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(xml)));
        catch(final SAXParseException e)
            Locator locator = new Locator(){
                public int getColumnNumber()
                    return e.getColumnNumber();

                public int getLineNumber()
                    return e.getLineNumber();

                public String getPublicId()
                    return e.getPublicId();

                public String getSystemId()
                    return e.getSystemId();
            SAXParseException saxParseException = new SAXParseException("Could not parse: " + xml, locator);
            throw saxParseException;

        return new DOMSource(doc);

So now you see what I’m dealing with right? There’s gotta be a better way to code that out. Right now I’m getting so far behind on the project I can’t spend time being picture perfect. If you got any ideas break me off some…